Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 17-"Vintage Pear"

"Vintage Pear"
10x8 in. oil on wrapped canvas
Fruit & Vegetable Series #7

100% of sales proceeds of Fruit & Vegetable Series will be donated to Feed My People Children's Charity, operator of Northern Arizona Foodbank


Remember that artichoke painting I struggled with last week, that never got to my post? Well this is it. Last week I got so frustrated with it, I scraped off all the paint and was left with a rough textured canvas that wasn't very pretty. But I thought it might make an interesting surface to contrast with the feel of this elegant pear. It came together pretty quickly, and I like the old world feel of the painting. Also, I painted it without the use of any white paint, so the colors are very rich.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 16-"Tulips in Glass Jar"

"Tulips in Glass Jar"

8"x6" oil on panel

click here to bid

My tulips are on their last days, so I thought I'd better paint them before they're gone for the year. I finished this painting up this morning. This is the tiniest palette knife painting I've ever done. It's really a challenge for me to paint this small, but I'm in love with the idea of creating these little jewels. A tiny painting can be tucked into an envelope for a gift, set on a little easel on a bookshelf, or stuck in a suitcase as a little surprise. Tiny, simple, paintings are personal, precious, art with a little a.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day15-"Guatemalan Mango"

"Guatemalan Mango"
10x8 in. oil on wrapped canvas
Fruit & Vegetable Series #6

100% of sales proceeds of Fruit & vegetable Series will be donated to Feed My People Children's Charity, operator of Northern Arizona Foodbank

Today was a good painting day. I got a good night's sleep, and approached this painting this morning with fresh eyes. I finished it up pretty quickly and finished a little floral as well.
This afternoon was my plein air painting class in Sedona. It was too windy to paint red rock landscape from our chosen spot, so instead we found a nice protected spot at Talaquepaque, a really charming old Mexican style shopping area. It turned out to be a perfect plein air setting-picturesque architecture, music in the background, a nice protected spot out of the sun and wind. The painting is not quite finished, but I'll share it soon. Today, I'm thrilled to be a painter.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 12,13, 14-Reflecting

I took the weekend off from painting. Yesterday, I got my studio space all organized and this morning approached my painting with renewed energy I painted most of the day, working on two separate small paintings. I finished a fruit painting, photographed it and was ready to post it, then thought it need something else--then I couldn't get it where I wanted to be again. The second painting didn't come toether like it wanted either....the day ended in frustration.

I'm not sure what this lesson is. These little daily paintings are intended to be "quick studies." Ideally, I would like to finish each one in two to three hours. Is it better to just do the best I can in a limited time and then move on....or is it better to continue working at it until I get it just where I want it?
I'm too tired to sort it out tonight....I'll think about it tomorrow.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 10&11- "Tomato on Turquoise"

"Tomato on Turquoise"

10"x8" oil on wrapped canvas
Fruit & Vegetable Series #5

100% of sales proceeds of Fruit & Vegetable Series will be donated to Feed My People Children's Charity operator of Northern Arizona Foodbank


This little painting came together pretty fast today. This turquoise color is a new one for me. I'm afraid this photo doesn't get the true color of the background. It's actually more of a jade, and more intense. It's a new color for me, although I'm using the same tubes of color, I mixed them in a different combination. At Friday workshop class today Larisa, our teacher, said that as students we should constantly be trying new colors and new subjects--so here's my new color--and it really excites me.
Yesterday, I worked on the second collaborative painting that Carolyn and I have been doing, we each added a little in class today and she took it home to add a little more. So it should be ready soon. I also started on a little landscape for a change from the fruit.
Tonight is the Palette to Palate event at the community I'm off to another art event.
Happy Painting. Buen Camino, Kathy

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 8 & 9 - "Lemon Tettering"

"Lemon Tettering"

10x8 in. oil on wrapped canvas panel
Fruit & Vegetable Series #4

100% of sales proceeds of Fruit & Vegetable Series will be donated to Feed My People Children's Charity, operator of Northern Arizona Foodbank

Click here to Bid

I finally finished this lemon, after working on it for a couple of days. I don't know that I'm happy with the way it turned out, but it's time to let it go. As I am tettering about it, so is the lemon tettering.

Yesterday I painted outdoors in Sedona with my plein-air painting class. Unfortunately, I don't have anything to show from class. We're working much faster than I usually do, and we aren't allowed to finish up at home. It's great practice for me...and stretching beyond my comfort it's good learning. Happy painting, Buen camino, Kathy

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 6 & 7- "Organic Coffee

"Organic Coffee"
12"x9" oil/collage on panel

Sold 4/17/09

The last couple of days I've been painting a lot, but not getting my paintings where I want them to be. It's very frustrating, especially with the little one item vegetable paintings. It seems like I put as much time into them as I might with a large one. But I continue painting.

I decided to post this painting I sold last week. It was done for an assignment in my Friday painting workshop class. We were supposed to do a collage--something new to me. I decided to use a painting I had set aside for awhile. The coffee mug was already painted and I "collaged" it using torn up pieces of a coffee bean bag for the shadows and background. I really like it how it came together, and now have been thinking of new possibilities with collage. It's also a good reason to hang on to those paintings that just aren't working.
In the process of scrapping off paint on these little paintings that I'm working on, I've been scrapping a lot of paint off, so I've started transferring the paint to a canvas to establish a background for a collage. It's forming a nice textural surface and patterns of color that's interesting in itself. So, at least all this reworking of my paintings is going to good use. Sometimes our mishaps, lead to some exciting results. We'll see how it progresses.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 5 -Paintings support Food Needs

There is no painting to post today. I did some painting, but that artichoke is not coming together like I'd hoped. Maybe it will be ready tomorrow.

Instead, I'd like to say that in celebration of my finally getting my Daily Painting Blog online, I will be placing all of my current Fruit & Vegetable series (hopefully to be about 20 paintings) on auction at eBay with 100% of the sales proceeds donated to FEED MY PEOPLE CHILDREN'S CHARITY, an Arizona nonprofit that operates the Northern Arizona Food Bank and Borderland Food Bank.

It seems appropriate that a painting series devoted to showcasing the wonder of fruits and vegetables, might also provide some of that luscious food to someone in need. The last year has been a particularly difficult time for many people in communities all over the world. Together, perhaps we can do a little something to help some that are struggling. Thank you for your support. Buen Camino, Kathy

Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 4: Collaborative Painting

"Kathy & Carolyn's
Collaborative Painting"
16x12 in. oil on panel

Today is my Friday morning art class at Coconino Community College. So my daily paint today is done in class. This is an ongoing class that I have taken for four semesters now. Larisa Aukon is our teacher. Basically, it is an unstructured class, we each do our own work, guided by a few assignments. The best part about the class is the feedback we get from one another, teacher and student, about our work.
The past two weeks we had the assignment to do a painting collaboratively with a fellow student. Everyone was a little resistant to the assignment at first, but it turned out to be wonderful fun. This floral is the painting that Carolyn and I did. Last week I brought in a painting I started last spring and didn't get very far on and gave it to Carolyn to see if she could breathe some life into it. She paints very differently than I, with her more springlike palette and delicate touch. She painted on it awhile, then passed it back to me, then I gave it some of my touch and passed it back to her again. I think it's about finished now, and I love how it came out.
Today, she brought one to start on, I have it now and will show how it comes out next week. We will each have a joint painting signed by two people. Have you ever seen a dual signed painting?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 3 - "Eggplant on the Run"

"Eggplant on the Run"

10x8 in. oil on wrapped canvas
Fruit & Vegetable Series #3

100% of sales proceeds of Fruit & Vegetable Series will be donated to Feed My People Children's Charity operator of Northern Arizona Foodbank

Sold 4/26/09

I'm not sure how I feel about this little eggplant. But I decided the important thing is to paint something everyday. I'm often surprised to hear what paintings people like, and it's often not what I like very much, so I hope to get some comments.

I heard an interview on NPR yesterday with Nelson George, a writer of fiction and nonfiction. He said that he is a habitual writer, not an instinctual writer, and emphasized that "you just have to sit your butt down somewhere and do it." He said he isn't inspired very often, but when it does hit him, it's because he's been doing his habitual work. I'm hearing that repeated over and over in all that I read about the creative process--and for me that's really the point of the daily painting.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 2 - "Nosy Red Pepper"

"Nosy Red Pepper"
10x8 in. oil on wrapped canvas
Fruit & Vegetable series #2

100% of sales proceeds from Fruit & Vegetable Series will be donated to Feed My People Children's Charity operator of Northern Arizona Food Bank

Sold 4/25/09

Hope you like my red pepper with an attitude!

Yesterday I started a plein air painting class with Larisa Aukon, one of my favorite teachers and a fabulous artist. (See her work from my links) It was a gray and windy day so perfect preparation for the realities of plein air painting. Hopefully, I'll have some work to post from the class, but I'm afraid yesterday's wasn't fit to share.
Today it is snowing and very windy. a perfect day to be inside doing my taxes. Yes, I'm one of those last day procrastinators. However, to date I've never had to file an extension. I'm counting on my new daily painting practice to bring some organization and planning to the rest of my life. Buen Camino, Kathy

Day 1 "Saucy Green Pepper"

"Saucy Green Pepper"
10"x8" oil on wrapped canvas
Fruit and Vegetable Series #1

100% of sales proceeds of the Fruit & Vegetable Series will be donated to Feed My People Children's Charity operator of the Northern Arizona Foodbank


This is my first posting on my Daily Painting Journey. Like many journeys, all the preparation for the trip is very exhausting and when I first step on the airplane and settle into my seat, I let out a huge sigh of relief. That's how I feel right now. I've been getting into the daily painting routine the last few days, and that's really very enjoyable. Figuring out all the technical parts- the website, the blog, ebay, paypal, etc. has been a lot more difficult because it's all pretty new to me. So please be patient while I get it all pulled together. I must say I've been fortunate to encounter some very helpful and friendly tech support people along the way. Thanks to all who have helped me get going.
I have decided to start my Daily Painting Journey with a series of paintings of just individual fruits and vegetables. I plan to do about 20 little 10"x8" paintings. using the same limited palette on each one so that they all coordinate nicely with each other. Lately, I've really enjoyed working with the palette knife, and would like to work on developing my technique, so all will be done primarily with the knife. I have been exploring how emotion and energy can be communicated through color and brushstroke, or knifestroke, so I hope I can put that into each of these pieces. It should be lots of fun, I'll be interested to hear what you think.
Buen Camino, Kathy