Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Snow on the Pond"

6"x8" oil on panel
"My Hometown" series
We don't have snow like this in Flagstaff now. This painting is from a photo I took last winter. This pond was called "City Pond" when I was growing up. Now known as the Francis Short pond it is a short walk from my house, and one of my favorite places to paint. I also just completed a larger version that you can see on my website.

Monday, November 9, 2009

"Turret Window"

"My Hometown" Series
8"x6" oil on panel

Another painting in my hometown series. This old house is on the corner of Butler and Lonetree Rd. at the site of the old sawmill in Flagstaff,AZ. The sawmill is long gone and unless you're an old-timer like me, probably most people have no memory of it. Fortunately this house remains as a reminder of Flagstaff's logging history.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Little Colorado Gorge"

"Little Colorado Gorge"
12"x9" oil on panel

Last weekend, my friend Jan and I drove north to the Little Colorado Gorge to paint for the afternoon. It was a beautiful warm afternoon for painting, but we lost the sun disappear early behind the mountain to the south and it got cold really fast. I just started a larger painting from this smaller one.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Morning on Aspen Ave."

8"x6" oil on panel
"My Hometown" Series

I have just started on a new series of small scenes of my hometown, Flagstaff, Arizona. On December 5, I will be a guest artist at one of the featured homes on the Friend's of Flagstaff's Future" Christmas Sustainable Home Tour. I thought this might be a fitting small item to purchase for Christmas gifts. I'm hoping to have about 15 completed by the event.